You have the possibility to contact our reporting office directly. Information with a high confidentiality requirement should be sent by mail or as a message via this whistleblower system.

More information


Niels Kill
Althammer & Kill GmbH & Co. KG
Phone: +49 511 330603-70

Reporting office

Diakoniewerk Kloster Dobbertin gGmbH
c/o Althammer & Kill GmbH & Co. KG
Roscherstraße 7
30161 Hannover
Phone: +49 511 330603-70

To ensure the confidentiality of your message towards Diakoniewerk Kloster Dobbertin gGmbH, please note the following points.
  • Do not use a workplace computer for a mail contact.
  • Do not use a company mail account either.
  • If you want to submit a report via the portal, do this from a private PC as well - in the company environment, page views may be traceable.
  • If you send us documents via the portal, check beforehand that all information that is not intended for us has been redacted.
  • If other people have access to the computer from which the message was sent, delete the browser history.

Whistleblowing system for:

Diakoniewerk Kloster Dobbertin gGmbH, Dobbertin
Diakoso Servicegesellschaft mbH, Greifswald

Frequently asked questions

Althammer & Kill GmbH & Co. KG provides the whistleblower system. It is a compliance consulting company operating nationwide. The employees ensure that the protection of the whistleblower is guaranteed.

Since the report is transmitted in encrypted form, only authorized persons at Althammer & Kill have access. This includes the processing staff and the administrators and, if applicable, internal investigators in your organization.

The information you report will lead to an investigation of the facts and may result in consequences for employees, suppliers and others. Please ensure that you do not report tips prematurely, but also not too late. If you report something, it should already be true.

Use the whistleblower system if you want the greatest possible protection of your personal data. This can be the case, for example, if you have to expect problems in the organization if your person is disclosed, e.g. by your superior or colleague.

The legal protection of the HinSchG (Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz/Whistleblower Protection Act) applies. Some organizations also allow anonymous reporting. This is then even more secure. Through encryption techniques and the knowledge of Althammer & Kill in the field of data protection and information security, the portal is protected against unauthorized access or access, modification and loss.

The report is entered in the system and then processed by the ombudsperson. The ombudsperson takes over case management, checks the report for plausibility and clarifies the facts.

You will receive a notification of receipt within 7 days and a notification of the planned and already implemented follow-up measures within 3 months of the notification of receipt. You will also be notified whether you can expect further feedback as a whistleblower. You will receive the feedback via the contact details you have provided. If your organization allows anonymous reporting, you will receive the feedback in your anonymous mailbox.

This only applies if your organization allows anonymous reporting. For security reasons, we cannot recover a password because we cannot identify you properly. This is mainly for your protection. Therefore, please keep your access data in a safe place.

You are not obliged to report to the internal reporting office. Enclosed you will find the link to the external reporting office of the Federal Office of Justice ( .
The whistleblowing system is operated by our external service provider Althammer & Kill and is not part of our website or intranet. It is located on secure, external servers. Our employees cannot view the whistleblowing system.